The Republic / Plato

From Allan Bloom's interpretive essay: "The Republic shows us why Socrates was accused and why there was good reason to accuse him. Not only does he tell us about the good regime, but we see his effect on the young men he was said to have corrupted. Socrates, in leading them to a justice which... Continue Reading →

A Dying Colonialism / Frantz Fanon

There is not occupation of territory on the one hand and independence of persons on the other. It is the country as a whole, its history, its daily pulsation that are contested, disfigured, in the hope of a final destruction. Under these conditions, the individual's breathing is an observed, an occupied breathing. It is a... Continue Reading →

Discourse on Colonialism / Aimé Césaire

A civilization that proves incapable of solving the problems it creates is a decadent civilization. A civilization that chooses to close its eyes to its most crucial problems is a stricken civilization. A civilization that uses its principles for trickery and deceit is a dying civilization. The fact is that the so-called European civilization“Western” civilization-as... Continue Reading →

Politics Out of History / Wendy Brown

Moralism is the practice of moralizing, or the tendency to judge others' morality. So, although "moralism" sounds innocent because it seemingly has to do with ethics and morals, it could be considered as a plaster that censors political thought. And form my observations, this woeful case is very relevant today. Whenever people try to judge... Continue Reading →

Orientalism / Edward W. Said

Edward Said, Palestinian intellectual, literary theorist, historian of the colonial narrative explains how colonialism works. Not just through armies, but through literature. Not just through conquest, but through anthropology. Not just through oppression but justified through narrative. He shows how the West painted a picture of the 'East'. Snake charmers, belly dancers, thieves... The exotic,... Continue Reading →

Education and Capitalism: Struggles for Learning and Liberation / Sarah Knopp

The hierarchical relations of work and production are mirrored in the relations we see in schools. The hierarchies between administrators and teachers, teachers and students, students and other students correspond to boss-worker relationships and indeed prepare students to play those roles. Students produce work for external rewards (grades) in much the same way that workers... Continue Reading →

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